Thursday, 4 September 2014

Into the wind

The gale force SW winds eased this morning and we had blue sky making a change from the cold wet conditions we have been experiencing. Perfect for having our morning coffee on the verandah and notice we had a visit from some White-breasted Wood-swallows Artamus leucorhynchus. They were busy swooping around the tree tops then coming to land on the roof ridge and then I notice a few decided that the weather vane was an ideal spot to take a break.

They stayed around for awhile, on the wing catching insects before the forecast rain and strong winds returned in the late afternoon.

They like the other wood-swallows are migrants to our area whilst in Australia's north they are sedentary.



  1. I love the weather vane Ian :) Our swallows over here will soon be leaving us to winter in Africa.

  2. It is a good weather vane and usually it only gives me the wind direction ,so I couldn't believe my luck when the swallows decided it was a good spot for a rest. We did seel quite a few spectacular weather vanes on our UK visit and along with sun dials, pub signs and unususal architecture they are among my favourite photos. I did get a photo of a swallow which had its nest in one of the buildings at Birdoswald fort on Hadrian's Wall so I hope it makes it to Africa and back next year.
