Sunday, 8 December 2019

Fantail splashes

We had a visit from a pair of birds that we see infrequently as they are generally found norh of our area but do migrate to southern regions through summer. It is also found in a number of countries in the near north of Australia. This pair were around the garden for a short time in the morning and making the most of the bird bath for a drink and then a splash.

As you can see from the photo the name Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons is most appropriate and it is one of the small flycatchers. Its relative the Grey Fantail is one of the resident species on the property.


Thursday, 5 December 2019

Bee shines

Posted a photo of this species some time ago but the photo today does show the iridescent colour better.
This large bee is one of the carpenter species Xylocopa (lestis) bombylans  Green or Peacock Carpenter Bee.
Found in eastern Australia they are solitary bees and as their name suggests work in wood, as the excavate a tunnel into the trunk of soft dead trees or the stem of grass trees to lay their eggs.