Sunday 23 September 2018

Photo shy

Managed to get a photo today of a bird that we see quite often I have found very difficult to get close enough for a photo although I have posted a couple of photos of young birds that are not as shy.

This is the male Satin Bower-Bird Ptilinorhynchus violaceus and this was the only photo I could get as he moved around from tree to tree and generally keeping within the foliage.The males develop their full satin plumage after about 7 years and the iridescent blackish blue colouring gives the bird its common name where as the female has brown and green plumage as do the juvenile birds.
The Satin Bower-Bird male along with a number of others in the bower bird family builds a bower to impress the female, his consists of walls of sticks and grasses curving over an avenue which he decorates with berries, flowers and found objects. The Satin Bower Bird is partial to blue so blue clothes pegs, pen covers, bottle tops etc are often found in the bower.

Nesting is not in the bower but a cup shaped nest in the branches of a tree which the female tends. Where I have had difficulty getting close a number of our neighbours who feed birds have no trouble as the birds will come to the feeding tray for the fruit that is placed out for them. They are notorious for stripping the fruit trees and at present they are busy in our orchard picking strawberry guavas and cumquats, but we have plenty to share.

(on a recent trip to the Northern Territory I took photos of the Great Bower-Bird that favours white ornaments to decorate its large bower)

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