Wednesday 5 December 2012

Smoke & Fire

Dry weather of late and a hot dry wind today send a fire racing towards our area causing many homes to be put at risk. Fortunately a wind shift has reduced the current risk to many homes although some are still in the danger zone. I was checking the direction of the fire from our driveway as the sun was setting, a ball of fire  through the smoke.

Helicopters water bombing and dozens of fire crews on scene trying to keep it in containment lines. I expect to be on a relief crew soon.


  1. So sorry to hear about the fires and potential danger. Do so hope your property and other homes remain safe and please take care yourself.

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts Caroline and I am pleased to say that most of the fire is now within control lines.Thankfully no houses were destroyed and a minimal loss of property although some 2500 hectares of forest and bush has been burnt.
