Wednesday 15 April 2020

Do not disturb

These little critters are and important part of the environment as they are busy visiting plants to feed on the nectar and at the same time pollinating the plant. They are also very busy finding food for their larvae,  caterpillars, aphids and other small insects. 

These are one of the paper wasp species, White Faced Brown Paper Wasp Ropalidia plebiana and smaller than their more well known relative Australian Paper Wasp Polistes humilis  but their sting is just as painful. Fortunately they are not aggressive and people generally are stung by inadvertently disturbing their nest.

Australian Paper Wasp Polistes humilis



  1. Wonderful photos - I do think wasp nests are a wonder of nature :)

  2. We are fortunate to have such a diverse range of wasps and they create wonderful nests or should I say pantries, to store their prey and lay their eggs.
    I some areas European wasps have caused problems due to their aggressive nature and the damage they do to native insects, so lots of activity goes into eliminating their nests when located.
